Mental Health

Please click here for the latest COVID-19 Mental Health information

Click here for the Suicide Prevention topic page, including a list of primary care resources.


Children and Young People:


City and Hackney Wellbeing Network

During Covid-19

We need look after our mental health even more when our whole community may be feeling worried about their loved ones and themselves. Feeling emotionally strong also helps us to recover physically.

Here are some good information links about staying mentally well and trying to keep up doing our five to thrive ( 5 ways to wellbeing):

GPs will be able to refer people for practical and emotional support, and Volunteer centre Hackney will lead on the volunteer co-ordination. Family Action are also supporting patients in primary care.

Helpline number (8-5 M-F)  020 8356 3111


No services match ""

ADHD Service Adults (18+)

City and Hackney ADHD Service (18+)

Adult Gender Identity Clinic

Offers counselling psychology, endocrinology, speech language therapy to adults and young adults from 17 years and 9 months and above

Bereavement Service for Young People and Families

Support to children, young people and families who have lost a family member, care giver or other significant person.

CAMHS Disability

Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health service for children with disabilities and emotional/behavioural and mental health concerns.

Children & Families Clinical Service

We work with children, young people and their parents/carers who are receiving support from a range of health and educational services..

Chronic Fatigue Service

For adults living with chronic fatigue and/or myalgic encephalomyelitis

City and Hackney Autism Service (18+)

City and Hackney Autism Service

City and Hackney Recovery Service

Substance misuse support for patients aged over 18 and their families

Crisis Cafe

Support to avoid a mental health crisis

CYP ADHD Service

CYP ADHD nurses in Primary Care

Family Action

Family Action is a national charity providing emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing issues across the country.

Family Action A&E WellFamily Service

Practical and emotional support for patients to overcome difficulties

Family Action WellFamily Plus Service

WellFamily Plus supports people over the age of 16, who experience mild to moderate mental health difficulties.

First Steps

First Steps is a service for children, young people and their families who have mild to moderate mental health problems.

Hackney Social Prescribing Service

Giving patients access to activities, social groups, services and advice based on their needs

Heads Up- Hackney Early Detection Service

Heads up ELFT service

Homerton Birth Debrief Services

Women and their birth partners may need the opportunity to reflect and discuss their birth experience.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

Talking therapy services for adults with mild to moderate mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia

James' Place

Therapeutic intervention service for men experiencing a suicidal crisis


The UK’s leading mental health & wellbeing platform for children and young people.

OCEAN- Offering Compassionate & Emotional Support for those living through birth trauma and loss

OCEAN is a new maternal mental health service for people living in City & Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets.

Off Centre

Off centre family action services

Perinatal Mental Health Service

Outpatient service for patients to be seen in clinic. We can also offer a wide range of therapeutic services such as 1-1 contacts in clinic.

Primary Care Mental Health Liaison Service (previously CHAMHRAS)

GPs and other agencies can contact PCL for advice and to make a referral in order to access mental health services.

Service User Network

Support to avoid a mental health crisis

Specialist CAMHS

Specialist CAMHS offers assessment and help to children, young people and their families with significant mental health difficulties.

Step Up

Step Up services

The New Age Games Programme

Free exercise sessions for Hackney residents aged 50+

WDP Square Mile Health

Free, confidential support for residents in the City of London for assessment and treatment of their substance misuse

Wellbeing Network Service

The new service works with residents with moderate-severe mental health needs and complex life circumstances.

Young Hackney

Help and prevention services for children and young people aged 6–19, or 25 years with a special education need and/or disability.

Karthika Vijayanathan  , clinical lead for Mental Health

Mental Health Clinical Lead

Karthika Vijayanathan

Pathways View All


General Services

Community Services



Practitioner Education


Referral Management

Last updated: Jan 30th, 2025
Review date: Jan 1st, 2027