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Covid-19: For latest Homerton Sexual Health Services information, click here
For all services relating to sexual health.
Service for termination of pregnancies
Offers counselling psychology, endocrinology, speech language therapy to adults and young adults from 17 years and 9 months and above
Body & Soul supports children, teenagers and families living with, or closely affected by, HIV, who live in the City of London and Hackney.
An alternative provider to Homerton for termination of pregnancy services
For patients with complex contraceptive needs
For treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, contraception services and HIV testing an prevention
Positive East works with City of London and Hackney residents living with or affected by HIV.
Sexual Health London provides free at-home kits to self-test for HIV and other STIs, to residents aged 16+ with no or mild STI symptoms.
No-scalpel vasectomy service
Help and prevention services for children and young people aged 6–19, or 25 years with a special education need and/or disability.
There are no services to display
Last updated: Jan 5th, 2023
Review date: Nov 20th, 2023
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