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Latest News
From 1 October 2023, the standards for measuring waiting times for cancer diagnosis and treatment are being modernised and simplified. The NHS is moving from the 10 different standards currently in place to three:
The main changes are:
Note: There is no change to the way GPs refer patients onto Urgent Suspected Cancer pathways. The only change is that the NHS will now measure the speed of diagnosis rather than whether the patient has had a first appointment within two weeks.
More information for GPs is available on the NEL Cancer Alliance webpage and the NHS England » Cancer page.
NEL cancer alliance webpage.
2WW/ Pan-London Urgent Suspected Cancer Referral Forms
In January 2023, revised Pan-London Urgent Suspected Cancer (USC) referral forms were published (previously known as Two-Week Wait referrals).
The revised forms aim to better promote the inclusion of key information on the reasons for USC referral and ensure all necessary information is included for triage and rapid assessment by the receiving hospital.
Forms can be found on the Pan-London Suspected Cancer Referral Forms - Transformation Partners in Health and Care Partnership page. Transformation Partners have also created several "Top Tips" documents to support primary care physicians.
Pan-London suspected cancer referral forms - Transformation Partners in Health and Care Partnership
Top tips documents to support primary care physicians.
Tumour-specific top tips: Breast, Lower GI, Upper GI, Gynaecological, Haematology, Sarcoma and Urology. (Head and Neck, Lung and Skin coming soon)
Multidisciplinary Rapid Access Diagnostic Centre (MRADC) (
For patients who do not fit the NG12 tumour group 2WW pathway ,please consider using the Rapid Diagnostic Clinic at the Royal London Hospital.
Search code for the form on EMIS is RP Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Centre Referral Form.rtf
This clinic is aimed at patients presenting with vague but concerning symptoms that could indicate cancer. Therefore, patients who present with the following should be referred directly to the MRADC:
We ask that all patients referred to the service have an up-to-date renal function completed (within 3 months) in addition to the following:
Where appropriate please also consider arranging the following
CA125/ PSA
Coeliac antibodies
faecal calprotectin
Gamma GT
chest x-ray
Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound
Referrals can be made directly through the NHSE referral service by selecting "2WW Multidisciplinary Rapid Access Diagnostic Clinic (RLH) – Barts Health NHS Trust – R1H," found under 2WW and Cancer of Unknown Primary.
Primary Care | North East London Cancer Alliance
Primary Care | North East London Cancer Alliance (
The NEL Cancer alliance has several sections to support the current PCN DES and QOF work.
Under the section Healthcare Professionals → Primary Care → PCN DES, there are resources available to support PCN DES and QOF work, including:
NEL-wide Cancer Updates
These can be found under the section Healthcare Professionals → Primary Care → Primary Care News.
CEG toolkit
Cancer toolkit - Clinical Effectiveness Group (
The CEG Cancer Toolkit
The CEG Cancer Toolkit supports GP practices in working smarter and reducing avoidable delays in cancer diagnoses.
The toolkit is available on the CEG website under Support for Practices → Resources → Cancer Toolkit.
These resources include:
Audit tool
Referral and safety netting template
Searches and dashboard
All of these are supported by assistance from CEG facilitators. The resources are available to practices across North East London to help them work efficiently, simplify safety netting procedures, and review and reduce inequalities in cancer referrals, follow-ups, and care.
Safety netting
It is important that all cancer referrals and urgent investigations, including blood requests, FIT tests, imaging, and direct access, are followed up at appropriate time intervals.
The RP Cancer Safety Netting Template can assist in this process.
Other useful resources include:
Pan-London-Suspected-Cancer-Safety-Netting-Guide-May-2023.pdf (
Safety netting | Cancer Research UK
Screening for those with a family history of cancer
The new cervical screening service running from 2nd December 2019
Direct access to colonoscopy
Direct access to CT chest
Direct access to flexible sigmoidoscopy
Direct access for upper GI endoscopy (OGD or gastroscopy)
Countdown to FIT testing in primary care for suspected colorectal cancer (NICE DG30)
Follow-up in primary care for Patients with Stable Prostate Cancer
Urgent referrals to see specialist on the fast track pathway
Free exercise sessions for Hackney residents aged 50+
A free programme of wellbeing walks offered with in Hackney.
There are no services to display
Cancer Care Lead
Reshma Shah
PCN Supporter
Sophia Sharp
Last updated: Sep 17th, 2024
Review date: Sep 17th, 2026
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