City and Hackney Recovery Service

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City and Hackney Recovery Service

  • Service continues to accept new referrals
  • The service hub is open- 10.30-16.00, Monday to Friday- for physical drop ins – for those where virtual support is not appropriate or who need in-person clinical interventions
  • All in-person groups have been suspended- they will resume as soon as restrictions allow
  • All service users have been contacted by phone or letter (if not possible by phone) to advise of COVID 19, symptoms, advice on how to keep self, and how to continue accessing support from the service. A particular effort has been made to contact pregnant service users
  • Extensive telephone and online support offered to anyone discharged from Tier 4 treatment

 For patients on Opioid Substitute Treatment: City and Hackney Recovery Service 

  • Arrangements for patients are reviewed case-by-case to ensure length of prescription, pick-up routines and other arrangements are suitable
  • Any service user where pickups or supervised consumption has been reduced, will be offered a safe storage box and additional naloxone
  • Any holiday prescriptions are being reviewed
  • In cases where patients are unable to collect their prescription they can nominate an appropriate person to do this
  • Delivery is being offered to the small number of patients who are unable to collect themselves or nominate an appropriate person 

The City and Hackney  Drugs and Alcohol Recovery Service is open to all those in City and Hackney boroughs with drugs and /or alcohol issues. We have a holistic approach that supports clients on their recovery journey. We are an integrated service that brings together the staff and expertise of Turning Point, MIND in City, Hackney and Waltham Forest and London Friend’s Antidote project. 
We understand the unique challenges that those struggling with substance and /or alcohol issues face - including those faced by black and ethnic minorities and /or those who identify as LGBTQ+. We provide a person-centred, tailored service for those all those affected by substance and alcohol issues – including women-only services, those in the criminal justice system, rough sleepers, and families, friends and carers of those affected.
We provide: 
•    One-to-one and group support to help clients at any point of their substance or alcohol recovery journey.
•    Support with employment and housing. If you’re a client, we can offer jobs support for those looking for work and also for those looking to make a change.  
•    Access to free, in-house health services. We can help with access to clinicians, prescription management, blood screenings for Hepatitis C and HIV; and sexual health clinics to help with STIs and reproductive advice.  
•    Depending on the stage of your recovery journey, clients can connect with the community and access a wide range of events, classes and groups through our community navigation service. 

Eligibility criteria


Hackney resident aged 18 and over

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs, Nurses, Any professional like a housing support worker, social worker or GP can make a referral on behalf of a patient.

Directly by telephone
Editable PDF / Word document Download Form

Referral methods: Email


Self Referral

HRS Drop In Assessment Times at Mare Street

You can drop-in during any of these times for an assessment which will take up to an hour.


Monday10.00 – 15.45

Tuesday13.00 – 15.45

Wednesday10.00 – 12.30

Thursday13.00 – 15.45

Friday10.00 – 15.45


Hackney Recovery Service

External Links