Learning Disabilities

Covid-19 Updates:

Tweet sheet for increasing uptake of the Covid Vaccine among people with severe learning disabilities

Easy read guide to the vaccine for people with learning difficulties

COVID-19: Easy read resources for patients

City and Hackney Autism Feedback and Accessible Services


Learning from Lives & Deaths, Leder Programme  

LeDeR reviews deaths to see where we can find areas of learning, opportunities to improve, and examples of excellent practice. This information is then used to improve services for people living with a learning disability and autistic people. Report the death of someone with a learning disability or an autistic person

Attending Homerton Hospital

If you are aware of anyone attending Homerton hospital for emergency or planned care, please contact Sebastian Gonzalez Lead Practitioner for Learning Disabilities Acute Liaison to ensure the person can be well supported when they attend the hospital.  

Email: sebastian.gonzalez@nhs.net or huh-tr.learningdisability@nhs.net

Contact number:  07904 335 056 or 0208 510 7032

Learning disabilities and Autism support | Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Hospital passport:

Homerton's Hospital passport This Hospital passport is designed to help people communicate their needs (including how they communicate, likes and dislikes, sensory needs and what is important to them) to doctors, nurses and other health and care staff. People with learning disabilities can complete the passport (with support where needed) and this information can be used by health and care professionals to know how best to support them and to make sure the right reasonable adjustments are in place.


Useful Resources

Annual Health Check Resources 

Further resources are available in the Downloads section to the right-hand side of this page, including useful documents for annual health checks.


Hackney Ark - centre for children and young people with disability and special educational needs