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Strategies/reasonable adjustments:
Video: What is a learning disability
Video: Communicating with people with learning disabilities
Video: reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability
Video: making reasonable adjustments and barriers to healthcare
Hospital passport – the hospital passport is designed to help people communicate their needs (including how they communicate, likes and dislikes, sensory needs and what is important to them) to doctors, nurses and other health and care staff. People with learning disabilities can complete the passport (with support where needed) and this information can be used by health and care professionals to know how best to support them and to make sure the right reasonable adjustments are in place.
Downloadable Homerton hospital health passport
Learning disability registers
Improving identification of people with a learning disability: guidance for general practice (
Learning Disability Register Inclusion Tool for GPs and primary care
Video: the learning disability register
Video: what is the learning disability register
Annual Health checks
RCGP Step-by-step guide to Health Checks for people with a learning disability
NHS England/NDTI Learning disability annual health check toolkit
Video: annual health checks for people with a learning disability for patients
Video: what happens at my Learning Disability Annual Health Check
EASY READ annual health checks
Pre assessment questionnaire
Health action plan easy read?
Cancer screening
EASY READ Bowel cancer screening test
EASY READ How to use the NHS Bowel cancer screening kit
Tips for collecting your poo leaflet
EASY READ Breast screening an easy guide
Do the test – GO FOR IT Breast screening video
City and Hackney ADHD Service (18+)
Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health service for children with disabilities and emotional/behavioural and mental health concerns.
City and Hackney Autism Service
CYP ADHD nurses in Primary Care
For adults with learning disabilities
We are a small team who can support those with a learning disability and/or are autistic when they are seen at Homerton Hospital
There are no services to display
Clinical Lead
Karthika Vijayanathan
Health inclusion Lead
Jody Barrientos
Last updated: Jan 16th, 2025
Review date: Oct 22nd, 2026
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