
If a patient presents with a minor eye condition, please consider referring to the Minor Eye Condition Service. The service is optometrist-led and has 5 locations across City and Hackney.

Please send optometrist ophthalmology (GOS18) referrals to the Optometrist Referral Review Service. A specialist optometrist will determine the best service for the patient and then refer them on. Lewisham found that 40% of referrals could be redirected to MECS. This means shorter waits and patients being seen in a setting that reflects the complexity of their condition. 

Pathways View All


Advice & Guidance

Moorfields A&E Advice Line

Moorfields A&E now has a dedicated advice line for local GPs. This is for clinical advice from A&E medical staff only. It would be helpful if GPs would telephone prior to sending patients as many patients may be more appropriately referred onto a different clinic or pathway.

t: 020 7521 4682
e: moorfields.healthprofessionals@nhs.net
w: https://www.moorfields.nhs.uk/

GP Liaison Team

For general queries and chasing patient referrals.

t: 020 7521 4661
e: moorfields.healthprofessionals@nhs.net
w: https://www.moorfields.nhs.uk/

General Services

Community Services



Practitioner Education


Referral Management

Social Care

Last updated: Apr 14th, 2023
Review date: Apr 30th, 2025