Enquiries about Homerton Results
Queries about missing Homerton radiology results should be sent to the HUH radiology secretaries on: huh-tr.Radsecretaries@nhs.net
Please check Cerner in the first instance if results do not come through via EMIS Web.
Reporting Homerton Radiology Quality Issues
Please report quality issues to: huh-tr.radiology.quality@nhs.net
NEL ICB does not routinely fund Open MRIs. Please refer to the EBI Policy here for more information
Requests for approval for MRI referral should be send directly to the EBI team. Email: nelondonicb.hcdpas@nhs.net
Please do not request MRI with contrast
Local pathways only cover MRI without contrast. Please refer for relevant diagnostic - ultrasound, x-ray, etc.- in the first instance- and then Homerton Radiology can escalate- or refer to outpatients.
Please refer to Locomotor in the first instance. They have short waits and have access to relevant imaging services if needed- x-ray, ultrasound, MRI.
HUH audits indicate that a significant volume of scans are undertaken when not clinically indicated and the scan results have no bearing on management.