
Local services, pathways and resources related to Dermatology.

Dermatology 2 Week Wait Referral Audit Feedback

A recent snap audit was done at the Homerton checking derm 2ww referral quality.  Whilst we recognise this is a pan London form with some details auto-populated from EMIS, the remainder of the form should be adequately and fully completed. Over 90 City & Hackney referrals were looked at throughout 2018 and sadly only a quarter of referrals had risk factors completed.  More worryingly, about a third had not sited the location of the suspicious lesion, and about 15% of referrals had no clinical information regarding why the patient was being referred. 

Additionally, amongst referrals not meeting the set criteria, around 70% of these did not complete the section regarding why concerns had been raised to generate the referral.  As you can appreciate, the service demand is increasing and it is imperative we continue to work together with our secondary care colleagues to aid diagnosis with clear referrals.

Use the Specialist Acne Clinic Checklist with the referral form when referring for acne.