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We are seeing an increase in the number of children with Bronchiolitis / RSV and expect these numbers to continue to grow as large numbers of children are exposed to viruses that they have not yet experienced. Prolonged illness and/or severe symptoms should not be attributed to COVID-19 and should be evaluated as usual.
We are asking that all children under five with respiratory symptoms are offered face-to-face consultations when there are clinical or parental concerns and referred to secondary care as appropriate”
For children with suspected bronchiolitis, clinicians should refer to the Paediatric Bronchiolitis Pathway and discuss or consider admission to hospital as appropriate.
How to refer: Paediatric Registrar via the Homerton Hospital switchboard on 0208 510 5555
For advice: Paediatric Consultant advice line 07795390715 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri)
Video - ‘How I safety-net for Bronchiolitis’ (5 mins)
Information leaflets for parents:
• NHS Bronchiolitis Advice Sheet Bronchiolitis Advice Sheet
• Non-English Language Information for parents on Bronchiolitis - Bronchiolitis (
Webinar – Managing RSV and other Respiratory Viruses in 2021
Further Training resources –
• Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Webinar – Managing RSV and other Respiratory viruses in 2021
• E-Learning for Healthcare – Respiratory Surge in Children Programme
• Health Education England – Respiratory Surge Learning Resources
• COVID-19 - research evidence summaries | RCPC
The Diagnostic Hub is still in its pilot stage
There are no services to display
Children and Young People
Suki Francis
Early Years 0-5
Anita Coutinho
Last updated: Sep 29th, 2023
Review date: Oct 30th, 2024
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