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Useful Links
City & Hackney End of Life Services During the Coronavirus Pandemic
End of Life Care in North East London During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The population of City and Hackney is a relatively young compared to the rest of England, but the over 65s are the fastest growing population segment in the next 25 years.
Life expectancy has risen over time and is now comparable with national figures. However, healthy level expectancy remains significantly lower.
While levels of deprivation are decreasing over time, Hackney remains one of the most deprived boroughs in England.
New pan London Medicines Authorisation & Administration Record (MAAR) charts (VERSION 4)
A PDF writable version both for information and for use if you do not want to produce MAAR charts on EMIS, it is available under the 'downloads' section on this page. The direct link to the PDF writable version of the MAAR chart is here. Under 'video' section we also have a webinar recording on MAAR charts (April 2022).
Pilot to improve access to medicines for end-of-life care
Support, information and crisis intervention to patients and carers over the telephone and face to face in a patient’s home.
Assessment and injection of botulinum toxin for adults with acquired sialorrhea (drooling) as a consequence of a neurological diagnosis
Services available at St Joseph's Hospice
There are no services to display
Clinical Lead
Last updated: Nov 28th, 2024
Review date: May 20th, 2025
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