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Homerton provide neurology advice and guidance via eRS, visit the advice and guidance service page for more information.
Homerton provide Parkinson's advice and guidance, see the advice and guidance page for contact details.
Enhancing the health, independence and wellbeing of adults living in the community with a physical or neurological disability
Consultant advice and guidance
For patients with complex or pharmacoresistant/refractory epilepsy
For patients with a suspected first seizure or a new diagnosis of epilepsy
A one stop shop offering clinical assessment, X Ray and injection therapy for shoulder pain in patients with a neurological diagnosis.
Diagnosis, assessment and treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
Assessment and injection of botulinum toxin for adults with acquired sialorrhea (drooling) as a consequence of a neurological diagnosis
There are no services to display
Last updated: Nov 2nd, 2024
Review date: Oct 31st, 2025
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