Infectious and Tropical Diseases

Upcoming Review — this page is due to be reviewed by 1 April 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.

Welcome to the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Topic page. Here you will find pathways, other guidance and information on services related to infectious and tropical diseases.

We are working with the GP Confederation to promote Latent TB Screening in Primary Care.

City and Hackney has one of the highest rates of TB in the UK. To address this issue, we are incentivising practices to screen patients for Latent TB with a blood test. 10% of patients with Latent TB later become very ill with active TB. More information can be found on the Latent TB Screening Service Page.

For Advice and Guidance on Infectious Diseases, please send queries to The inbox is checked daily by the consultant specialty team.

Further information on Homerton Infectious Diseases Services can be found at the links below: