Children, Young People and Family

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by 23 October 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

The latest Covid-19 Paeds information



Advice for GPs following the death of a child

City & Hackney Bereavement Service for Young People and Families 

Dr Liz Whittaker on rare inflammatory syndrome linked to Covid-19

Online Counselling Service for all 11 – 19 years in City & Hackney

Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) Alliance Directory

RCPCH Guidance for clinicians on shielding children and young people

Paediatric Urgent Cases

For urgent cases (to be seen within 24/48 hours) telephone the Consultant in the GP Rapid Referral Clinic 9am-5pm

t: 07795 390715

You will need to send your referral via e-RS

If the patient does not fall within this criteria then they must refer via e-RS to either routine/urgent General Paediatrics whereby the referral will be triaged and if deemed urgent they will request for the appointment to be brought forward accordingly

Children and young people’s toolkit
The Healthy London Partnership have created the Primary Care Children and Young People’s Toolkit to the  support London’s primary and community care providers in improving children and young people’s care. The toolkit lists a range of conditions including asthama, chronic abdominal pain, constipation, developmental red flags, eczema, food allergy, gastroesophageal reflux, headache, Lymphadenopathy, nocturnal enuresis and urinary tract infection.


Advice for GPs and parents about eating disorders

Beating Disorders Advice for Parents


No services match ""

Advice and Guidance

Consultant advice and guidance

Bereavement Service for Young People and Families

Support to children, young people and families who have lost a family member, care giver or other significant person.

Best Start with HENRY

Weight management support for families with children aged 0—5

CAMHS Disability

Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health service for children with disabilities and emotional/behavioural and mental health concerns.

Children & Families Clinical Service

We work with children, young people and their parents/carers who are receiving support from a range of health and educational services..

Children's speech and language

Children's speech and language therapy for Hackney and the City

City and Hackney Recovery Service

Substance misuse support for patients aged over 18 and their families

Community Bilingual Health Advocacy Service

The service provides support for patients who do not speak English or have other communication difficulties.

Domestic Abuse Prevention Programme

A behaviour change programme for people aged 16 and over who have behaved abusively in the context of intimate or family relationships.

Family Action

Family Action is a national charity providing emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing issues across the country.

Family Action WellFamily Plus Service

WellFamily Plus supports people over the age of 16, who experience mild to moderate mental health difficulties.

First Steps

First Steps is a service for children, young people and their families who have mild to moderate mental health problems.

Hackney Ark

Physiotherapy for children aged 0-18 having difficulty with mobility and gross motor tasks due to a disability or developmental delay

Hackney MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) Children's and Families Service

The Hackney MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) is a single point of contact or ‘front door’ for Hackney Children and Families Services.

Homerton Birth Debrief Services

Women and their birth partners may need the opportunity to reflect and discuss their birth experience.


The UK’s leading mental health & wellbeing platform for children and young people.

Off Centre

Off centre family action services

Paediatric MSK service

Outpatient physiotherapy for children and young people

Perinatal Mental Health Service

Outpatient service for patients to be seen in clinic. We can also offer a wide range of therapeutic services such as 1-1 contacts in clinic.

Rapid Referral Paediatrics

For urgent paediatrics cases (to be seen within 24/48 hours)

Royal London Emergency Paediatric ENT

For urgent paediatric ENT referrals that cannot wait for routine treatment.

Safeguarding Children

For services related to safeguarding children in City and Hackney

Specialist CAMHS

Specialist CAMHS offers assessment and help to children, young people and their families with significant mental health difficulties.

St Joseph's Hospice

Services available at St Joseph's Hospice

Young Hackney

Help and prevention services for children and young people aged 6–19, or 25 years with a special education need and/or disability.

Dr. Tammy Rothenberg, clinical lead for Children, Young People and Family

Children, Young People, Maternity, and Families Co-Lead

Dr. Tammy Rothenberg

Miriam Rahman, clinical lead for Children, Young People and Family

Children, Young People, Maternity, and Families Co-Lead (LTC/Pathways)

Miriam Rahman

Pathways View All


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Advice & Guidance

Maternity and Obstetric: Paeds via eRS

General Services

Community Services



Practitioner Education


Referral Management

Last updated: May 17th, 2024
Review date: Oct 23rd, 2024