Cardiology |
ACERs Heart Failure service provides care in the community to optimise medications, monitor symptoms and reduce risk of hospital admission (Monday - Friday)
Acute Chest Pain Pathway
Diabetes |
Same day assessment for suspected Type 1 Diabetes
Urgent advice 0900 - 2000 via on call Derm SpR at Royal London
On call team via 02073777000
ENT emergency clinics at Homerton for adults Monday - Friday in core hours. There is no ENT provision OOH at Homerton.
On call team via switchboard
For Paediatric ENT, OOH or for very acute referrals (unable to eat and drink, breathing difficulty, severe epistaxis, acute mastoiditis) contact the Royal London
On call team via 02073777000
Sudden Onset Sensorineural Hearing Loss Pathway
Tonsillitis Urgent Care Pathway
Gastro |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Pathway
Geriatrics |
Urgent assessment or advice by a Care of the Elderly consultant to avoid hospital admission
Integrated Independence Team provides MDT assessment and/or up to 6 weeks rehabilitation or reablement intervention
Mental health |
Crisis professionals line 247 (For patients in crisis please signpost to 111 option 2)
Walk-in crisis assessments (for adults in crisis open 0800-2000)
Raybould Crisis Hub, Homerton Hospital
Neurology |
Suspected cauda equina pathway
First Seizure Epilepsy Pathway
Headache Urgent Care Pathway
O&G |
General Gynaecology emergencies
On call team via switchboard
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) before 18 weeks pregnancy
Obstetric Assessment Unit (OAU) Monday - Friday 9-5
Oncology |
Acute Chemotherapy Hotline 247 for doctors and patients at Barts Hospital
Suspected Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression dedicated coordinator at Royal London (Monday - Friday 9-5)
Ophthalmology |
Minor Eye Conditions Service
Moorfields Professionals helpline - first point of call for GPs with queries or escalation point
Moorfields A&E - GP to discuss with doctor on call before sending a patient to A&E
Moorfields Virtual A&E
Orthopaedics |
General Orthopaedic emergencies
On call team via switchboard
Paediatrics |
Acute Advice/Referral line held by Paediatric consultant/SpR Monday-Friday 9-5
Acute Paediatric Sickle Cell Emergencies should be referred to Royal London
On call team via 02073777000
Paediatric Acute Asthma Pathway
Paediatric Bronchiolitis Pathway
Palliative Care |
St Joseph's Hospice 247 advice and support line
Paradoc |
Rapid assessment and treatment of acutely unwell patients who would otherwise be admitted. The focus is on frail, elderly and complex patients (12-midnight)
Podiatry |
Emergency service for people at risk of ulceration or amputation with urgent foot problems eg diabetic foot ulcer (walk-in service Monday - Friday 9-10)
Foot Health Service, St Leonards
Renal |
Royal London Renal consultant hot phone (Monday - Friday 0830 - 5)
Respiratory |
ACERs Respiratory 7 day service for anyone in City and Hackney living with diagnosed chronic lung disease.
(24h advice line for patients or clinicians 07920150074)
Asthma Urgent Care Pathway
COPD Acute Exacerbation Pathway
Stroke |
Royal London HASU, contact HASU SpR or consultant
SpR 02035945672 or Consultant 02035945671
TIA Pathway - please note if high risk or a Friday, refer to Royal London HASU
Urology |
General Urological emergencies
On call team via switchboard
Ureteric Colic pathway
Vascular |
General Vascular emergencies for Royal London
On call team via 02073777000
DVT Pathway
DVTs contact SDEC