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Click here for covid-19 update on end of life care and community palliative care
In-hours enhanced service
Ten pharmacies are stocking an agreed range of medicines used typically for end-of-life patients. Pharmacists have undergone extra training in palliative care.
Out-of-hours enhanced service
Each of the ten pharmacies take part in an on-call pharmacy rota providing 24/7 access to these medicines. The on call pharmacist can be contacted on 0845 299 3471. This number is only for use by health care professionals and the service cannot be accessed directly by members of the public.
Courier services
Supports access to these medicines available via any of the ten pharmacies.
Courier services
Although this should only be accessed in exceptional circumstances, it could be used where at least one of the following situations applies:
Last updated: Jul 10th, 2024
Review date: Oct 1st, 2024
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