Complex Epilepsy Clinic

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Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by 24 October 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

The complex epilepsy clinic is a joint-clinic, run weekly with the clinical nurse specialist, to assist in the better management of people with complex or pharmacoresistant /refractory epilepsy.

Eligibility criteria


Patients who:

  • Anyone seen previously by the Epilepsy service that needs to be followed-up should be referred back to the Epilepsy Service and not General Neurology.
  • are new to the area with an established pattern of pharmacoresistant epilepsy seen elsewhere.
  • have poorly controlled epilepsy who have otherwise been lost to neurology follow-up.


Patients with:

  • patients with straightforward epilepsy (moved into area from elsewhere) should be referred to General Neurology (with copies of all previous neurology correspondence if available)
  • well controlled epilepsy
  • occasional break-through seizures who should be referred through the general neurology pathway
  • Non-Epileptic Attacks should only be referred to Dr Neligan (Epilepsy Service) and not to General Neurology

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs, Nurses

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Speciality:  Neurology 
Clinic Type:  Epilepsy
Service Name:  Joint Complex Epilepsy

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Last updated: Jan 5th, 2023
Review date: Oct 24th, 2023