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Upcoming Review — this page is due to be reviewed by 24 October 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

NEW – How to take photos for Teledermatology video – view here

This service enables GPs to send photos of skin conditions for review by Homerton Dermatology Consultants. Following review, the service will issue a management plan to the GP or process an onward referral - if this is needed.

Please ensure that the Teledermatology request process is followed carefully. Homerton have received a number of requests that they have needed to reject. This results in a poor experience for the patient and wastes clinician time in primary/secondary care. For information on the process- see the Standard Operating Procedure and Checklists in downloads.

See Teledermatology CCF Slides in downloads section for more information on the service and the pathway.

Eligibility criteria


Skin conditions that do not meet the exclusion criteria.


Patients whose dermatological condition is causing extreme psychological distress

Patients with widespread rashes or severe inflammatory conditions with systemic symptoms/of an urgent nature

Patients with a widespread dermatological condition where it is not appropriate/practical to take images

Patients with 2 or more lesions for assessment

Breast, perianal and genital rashes or lesions

Patients with existing safeguarding concerns (adults and children/young people)

Patients who lack mental capacity to consent, unless the clinician is satisfied that making a teledermatology referral is in the patient’s best interest.

The following exclusions also apply for children only:

Images where faces can be identified

Known chronic inflammatory skin conditions (e.g. eczema, psoriasis)

Children with existing safeguarding concerns


Further Guidance from Homerton on using Teledermatology

1.    GP sees a patient FACE TO FACE and examines a skin lesion that meets 2WW criteria / they are suspicious of cancer
I.    Refer patient using 2WW form, traditional route to clinic
2.    GP sees a patient FACE TO FACE  and examines a skin lesion that doesn’t meet 2WW criteria, but they are not sure of the diagnosis  and so cant reassure the patient

I.    Refer via Teledermatology (e-RS RAS and using proformo)

3.    GP reviews a patient via VIRTUAL CONSULTATION (eg. over the phone or zoom) and the patients sends photos to the GP of their mole or skin lesion, for review.
I.    If pictures are poor/unclear arrange FACE TO FACE examination and then follow 2ww wait or Teledermatology referral pathway as appropriate.
II.    If pictures are good quality and clear then follow 2ww wait or Teledermatology referral pathway as appropriate.

Please ensure you complete the form and gain patient consent. It is important when sending images to ensure they meet the criteria and are clear. It is pointless sending pictures that are blurred, too distant. Lesions should always have a dermatascope picture otherwise they will result in a clinic referral anyway and you will have wasted the your time including the consultants and patients.

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

The service is available on e-RS.

Specialty:        Dermatology

Clinic Type:     Not Otherwise Specified

Service name: RAS Teledermatology  -  Main Outpatients Department  -  Homerton  -  RQX

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