Primary and Secondary Care Communications During Covid

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There are opportunities to utilise existing communication routes between primary and secondary care to support patients in the community and to support discharge.

For Primary Care

  • If you require an opinion or support from the acute medics call HAMU on Homerton switchboard, bleep 900
    Mon – Fri 0800-2000
  • If you want to speak to a Geriatrician,
    Call  07766 703203
    Mon-Fri 0900-1700
  • Or, if you have a query out of hours: Call the GP advice line in Emergency Department (ED) to speak to the ED medical team, this is 24/7
    0208 510 7057
  • If you have a patient with a diagnosed chronic lung condition who has suspected or confirmed COVID 19 please direct queries/referrals to the Adult Cardiorespiratory Enhanced and Responsive Service (ACERs) 24/7 hotline via 0208 510 5107/07920 150 074

Please do call the hospital before sending a patient to ED.

For Secondary Care

  • You can call a GP directly in each City and Hackney practice via the Duty Doctor
    Mon – Fri 0800-1800
    If the GP cannot answer directly they will call you back within 30 minutes.
  • The duty doctor can support with any clinical queries around the patient care at any point in their pathway
  • If you are unsure if a patient is well enough to leave hospital – please do call the duty doctor. They will know about the patient’s home support and also what primary care can offer to manage the patients medically post discharge.