Homerton Health Visiting

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Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by 7 March 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Homerton Health Visiting

Who we are:

Health visitors are nurses or midwives with specialist training in family and public health. We help parents and their families to improve health and wellbeing during pregnancy, after the birth and all the way through until your child is five.  The service is a universal service open to all parents from the antennal stage until the child is five.

What we offer:

Health visitors act as a frontline defence against multiple child health problems – from providing advice to parents on breastfeeding and nutrition, safe sleeping and immunisations  to supporting parents experiencing domestic abuse and mental ill health. They also play a crucial role in the community and are unique in providing a universal home visiting service to all families ensuring early identification of family needs and enabling access to support at the earliest opportunity. They work in close partnership with midwives and community services such as children’s centres, children’s social care and voluntary agencies.

Covid-19 Update March 2022:  

Homerton Health Visiting service has returned to face to face contacts with the option of virtual contact when required in accordance with Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust COVID19 guidelines. Face to face contacts are both in family homes and other settings. Clinics are taking place in some Children centres and GP practices, but these are by appoinment only. 

Breastfeeding clinics

Infant feeding team in City and Hackney are currently offering targeted support via an inbox system which is shared between maternity and health visiting services. This targeted support is delivered face to face by appointment only at children centres.

Antenatal Contact 

Midwife in City and Hackney remain the key professional leading the antenatal care. Health visitors offer antenatal care to all families in City and Hackney with face to face contact identified vulenerability of those under the public health midwife.

Type of health Visiting Contact

Core Offer

New Birth Visit – 10- 14 days

4 weeks contact

6-8 week contact

1 year review

2.5 year reviews

 Home visit or clinical contact will be offered using an appointment system, there may be some occasions where a virtual/telephone contact may be used instead following discussion and agreement with the parent.



Safeguarding, vulnerable infants, children & families & infants and children with current clinical concerns

These families are a priority for a home visit yo carry out health needs asessment as required. The sevice will conntinure to participate in Child Protection Conference, Core groups, Early Help Meetings, GP link meetings and MDT meetings.

The website continues to be updated weekly to let families and partner organisations know what the current status is for the Healthy Child Programme offer.  Please see below:



For all referrals please use the contact details listed on this page.

Eligibility criteria


Expectant parents and those who have children between 0-5 years.

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs

Editable PDF / Word document Download Form

Referral methods: Email

Email the Homerton Health visiting team at huh-tr.hvrapidresponse@nhs.net

Referrals are triaged daily.

For any enquiries the team can be contacted on 02076834151 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, excluding Bank holidays)