Hackney Safer Schools App

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by 23 November 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

Message from Hackney Council

In these unprecedented times, we know everyone is spending more time at home and using social media to ensure that physical distancing does not become social isolation.  The positive power of technology will help keep our community digitally connected, but we also know that more time spent online by our children can potentially lead to greater levels of risk.  Children may be tempted to generate images of themselves to share with their friends, curiosity might lead them to visit sites that they shouldn’t and adults who want to exploit children online are likely to be increasing their attempts to target the vulnerable. 

There have been warnings about this increased risk from sources ranging from government, national and local law enforcement agencies to leading children’s charities.  In fact, our own safeguarding partnership is already experiencing an increased number of reports relating to on-line child abuse.  

In response to this threat, Hackney Council is making available the Hackney Safer Schools App.  It costs nothing to download and provides access to information, knowledge and CPD accredited training, with a specific focus on making children and young people safer in the online world. 

Next Steps

  • To help promote awareness of the Hackney Safer Schools App, please could you circulate the attached standard letter to your staff group (including volunteers).
  • The letter contains instructions on how to download and access the relevant App content depending on the role of the user.
  • A version is available for parents and carers and can be downloaded HERE.

    For any queries, please contact the City & Hackney Safeguarding Partnership Team at chscp@hackney.gov.uk

Further information and advice is available via www.oursaferschools.co.uk