Wheelchair Service

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Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by 3 December 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

City and Hackney Wheelchair Service

Wheelchairs for long term use to increase patients mobility and independence.


More information: https://www.homerton.nhs.uk/wheelchair-service


Refer via EMIS


Leaflet for patients: Viewable in Downloads section.


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Eligibility criteria


  • registered with a GP in the Borough of Hackney or City of London
  • have a medical condition which results in a long term, permanent need for a wheelchair
  • require the wheelchair for regular use
  • have no, or a reduced, ability to walk
  • are able to independently propel the wheelchair or have carers who are able to push or supervise the use of the wheelchair safely


We are unable to assess for a wheelchair for clients who;

  • require a wheelchair for short term use of less than six months
  • are in hospital completing rehabilitation
  • are living in a nursing home/ residential home and require an attendant-propelled wheelchair to move around
  • require a powered wheelchair for use outdoors only

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs, Nurses

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email

Refer directly via EMIS.
If unable to refer via EMIS, a referral form is available from 

For queries regarding referrals contact the service on 020 7683 4250 or 