GP Patient Transport (Oncue Transport)

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Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by 26 June 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

This medical transport is only for eligible patients to travel from their place of residence within City and Hackney limits to their GP practice or local COVID-19 vaccination centre and the return trip. It is not for transporting patients to hospital – other services are specifically commissioned for that purpose.

Any queries regarding this service please contact Mohammed Chowdhury at

Medical patient transport service available for:

  1. City and Hackney GP practices for ‘at risk’ patients that may require transport to the practice for essential long-term condition monitoring e.g. blood tests, foot check, spirometry etc. (see further information in Downloads: 'Additional information')
  2. Eligible patients to attend Covid vaccinations at the City and Hackney local vaccination service (LVS) (see Eligibility criteria below)


Eligibility criteria


Please only refer patients that are/have either:

  • Extremely clinically vulnerable (i.e. shielding)
  • An impairment requiring assistance with mobility
  • An additional clinical reason for needing transport e.g. SMI/LD

This is a limited resource that we are going through quite quickly. Transport costs are approximately £30-40 per patient. Referrals will not be rejected, but we do want to ensure this resource is used for those most in need.

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs