Adult Safeguarding
The latest adult safeguarding training dates are published on the City and Hackney Event Calendar (Search for safeguarding by 'Event Type').
Online training can be accessed for free. All staff should complete Level 1 and clinical staff should complete Level 2.
Child Safeguarding
Level 1: for all non-clinical staff, receptionists and administration staff
This is an e-learning programme that must be completed before attending a face-to-face session.
Level 3: for all clinical staff who work with children, young people, parents/carers (GPs, Practice Nurses and HCAs)
Clinicians should update their Level 3 training every two years.
Level-3 training can be accessed via:
City and Hackney Event Calendar (Search for safeguarding by 'Event Type')
City & Hackney Safeguarding Children Board
Independent course/conference (from an approved body)
GPs are required to demonstrate level 3 understanding of identifying, responding and working within a multi-agency context in relation to Prevent concerns. All other practice staff are required to complete Basic Prevent Awareness training. The following is a guide for how to meet the requirements.
All practice staff should complete level 1 adult-safeguarding e-learning and clinical staff level 2. These can be accessed for free via NHS Health Education England's e-Learning for Healthcare Hub. These packages also meet the requirements for Prevent Basic Awareness training without having to complete a separate basic training for this.
GPs can also complete the Preventing Radicalisation Level 3 session (released January 2018) and e-assessment on the e-LfH Hub within the Statutory and Mandatory Programme. Log in and register to access the course.
For more information or to discuss a Prevent concern, please contact CCG Prevent & Adult Safeguarding
Mary O'Reardon (works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
Prevent courses
Face-to-face Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent: led by organisational Prevent trainers
e-learning (e-learning for healthcare) Preventing Radicalisation Level 3
e-learning Mental Health Prevent Training
Level 1 or 2 training as follows.
Face-to-face Basic Prevent Awareness, for example, Induction Training, Children and Adults Safeguarding Training
e-learning (e-learning for healthcare) Preventing Radicalisation Level 1 and 2
e-learning Basic Prevent Training
Police Channel Panel Awareness
Above courses and other published documentation for Prevent can be found on NHS England's site.
Information Governance
The IG Toolkit is accessible online and annual IG assessments can be started at any time once the new version is made available by HSCIC.
Each assessment must be completed and published by the GP Practice before the 31st March of each year.