The IPC is organising a SRH Essentials training day on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 in the Large Meeting Room at The Lawson Practice, St Leonards, 85 Nuttall Street, N1 5HZ. The course is accredited by the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health and will be delivered by Organon.
This face to face training is free to attend, 20 places are available and participants must attend for the full day.
The course is aimed specifically at nurses, physician associates and pharmacists working in primary care settings. It provides an interactive day with scenario based learning, presentations, time for discussion, questions and role play. It is relevant for those needing an introduction to SRH and also provides a useful update for experienced staff
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Develop the skills and confidence to consult with patients about their sexual and reproductive healthcare needs
- Recommend an appropriate method of emergency contraception
- Review the COC, POP and injection contraceptive methods
- Carry out sexual health risk assessments
- Identify when patients are at risk of STIs
Please note, staff are required to provide their professional registration number which means HCAs cannot attend this course.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Essentials Training for Primary Care
— Full Day
Tuesday, 25th February 2025 / 8.30am
The Lawson Practice, St Leonards Hospital, 85 Nuttall Street, London, N1 5HZ