Daytime Palliative Rapid Response Nursing Team

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  • Daytime Palliative Rapid Response Nursing Team
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·         Verification of expected deaths for patients who have died at home/Supported living schemes/Nursing Homes/Care Homes.

·         Specialist Support from St Joseph’s Hospice

·         Marie Curie Rapid Overnight service referral – ensuring overnight care

·         Assess Care needs and request urgent package of care as required

·         Equipment needs – bed, mattress, commode, sliding sheets etc.

·         Continence needs – pad provision, catheterisation, constipation management

·         Medication administration syringe driver/PRN

Eligibility criteria


·         Patient/next of kin aware patient is in their last few days/hours of life.

·         Patient wishes to die at home/CMC Plan for death at home

·         Patients assessed as actively dying (predicted last 72 hours of life)


Referral Process (use standard ACNs referral form via EMIS/Email/ACCRUX)


·         Complete an ACN referral for end of life input with details on diagnosis, prognosis and  plan


·         Prescribe end of life medication and send to pharmacy for dispensing or issue FP10 to family member to obtain. (referral not accepted without this)


·         Complete (print/sign name) authorisation chart for continuous medication and PRN medication ensure prescribed with range e.g. Morphine 5 – 20mgs. Leave in patients property or email to  FAO Palliative RRT (referral not accepted without this)



·         Patients who have longer palliative prognosis than 72 hours - Send standard referral to ACNs.

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPs

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email